A Wee Welcome

Welcome to my blog!

Here you're going to find all sorts either about my random life, my knitting endeavors, recipes, photos, life while becoming a forensic biologist aka CSI, and more!

You'll see me in all my moods, angry, frustrated, happy, sad, and that is only from the knitting side!! Have to love Ravelry for getting me addicted. Bad, bad Ravelry!

Hopefully there is something for everyone, and that I add a little smile or giggle to your day


Dental destiny and the hot iron complex

Today I'm getting my wisdom tooth out which is fine in itself as I've had this done 2 times already so I know the drill (sorry no pun intended!), but I'm a little nervous.

I found this dentist through my boss. I told him I wanted the best dentist in the city, in the best dental hospital, so this is who I received. I went down to visit with him last Wednesday,and I must say he's competent enough. He did all the usual stuff my "english" speaking dentist does when you first sit down in the chair.

At first he couldn't find anything wrong, and wondered what the problem was, he decided to take an x-ray which showed the problem of my upper left wisdom tooth pushing the one beside it. This has caused the rest of my teeth to shift a little too, and I know this because I used to have braces so I'm very aware of my teeth,. This is why I went to him in the first place cause I knew something had changed, and I knew it was my wisdom tooth cause I kept having these awful headaches. In the end, he agreed with me that it has to come out. He wanted to do it right then and there!!!

Now I'm the type of person that has to think about things before I do it, so I can be mentally prepared. There was no way I would have been able to do it right then and there. So we agreed to M0nday (today) and he wanted to put me asleep! Ahhhhhhh! I told the student (who was translating for me as the woman in charge of the foreign teachers Gina was busy) that there was no way I was being put to sleep. So they agreed to simply freeze me like my other two teeth were.

This phobia come from my mother (thanks mom!!!) as when my sister was born she was breech so my mother had to have a caesarian done. My mother tells me that they put her to sleep (this is almost 27 yrs ago now), but she wasn't fully asleep! She could feel them cutting into her and it was like being opened by a hot iron. So from hearing this story a fair few times in my life, I have now developed a phobia about anesthetic.

The other thing I'm worried about is the fact it's in Chinese! You don't realize how comfortable your own language is until something like this happens. Now Gina will be coming with me this morning so she'll be translating. I myself do know enough Chinese to get me through pretty much any day. I definitely know the word of "pain" so I should be safe enough, but I'm still a little iffy about the whole thing.

Anyways I'll update this when I get back from having this stupid tooth taken out. I was totally hoping that I could make it home for them to do it there!

The process was quite strange, but when looking at it they were doing what they would have done had I been asleep. First off they froze my mouth, and I told them they might have to do that a few times during the process (3 times in total) as I know I metabolize it quite quickly. Then while they were waiting for it to be ready, I had betadine (which is liquid surgical scrub) put around the inside of my mouth twice, and around my lips, mouth, and nose. Quite strange! Then I had a surgical drape put over my face, so I couldn't see anything which I found a little disconcerting, but I got over it.

The whole process took longer than the other two times as my tooth had 2 hooks on the roots. So it didn't want to go anywhere as it was quite happy anchored where it was. I had my jaw hammered several times, but in the end the damn thing came out. The doctor's exclamation "it's a big one" and I said to the hygienist, "it's easier having a baby!"

Anyways unlike the West where it would be considered medical waste, I was able to take it home. So I'm going to brush it, and keep it cause I'm weird like that!


Bella Shacklebolt said...

You are a brave soul! I would have waited for westernization and no betadine in the mouth! GROSS!

Shera said...

I tried to wait till I got home, didn't work! I didn't realize betadine was okay to eat, it's bitter/sour in taste.
Western Dentists couldn't have done a better job, Dr. Lu even called me up yesterday to see how I was. And to be truthful I have no problem at all. No pain yesterday or today! Much better than the Western Dentists on that fact!
China is okay for Dentists....who would have thought?