A Wee Welcome

Welcome to my blog!

Here you're going to find all sorts either about my random life, my knitting endeavors, recipes, photos, life while becoming a forensic biologist aka CSI, and more!

You'll see me in all my moods, angry, frustrated, happy, sad, and that is only from the knitting side!! Have to love Ravelry for getting me addicted. Bad, bad Ravelry!

Hopefully there is something for everyone, and that I add a little smile or giggle to your day


Told you so

See I knew if I said that the Chinese goverment hadn't found me, that sooner or later they would! And that is where I have been, locked out by the Great Firewall of China. See! Told you so.

Anyways I'm back in Sunny Edinburgh and I'm soooo happy to be back. China was really doing my nut in and it was time to go.

So at the moment I have no job, but I'm on the process of looking for one. It's going well....slow. Maybe not slow, but I'm getting a little tired of sending applications and resumes out, and hearing nothing, yes nothing, so far. I'm hoping the old adadge of "when it rain, it pours" will happen to me about some interviews jobs. I am employable, I know I am! I've never not had a job, it's just finding the correct timing for everything. That is pretty much all I've been up to since I got back more or less.

I decided to go back to choir last night and it was a good thing I did as that was the last night until the autumn. I ran into my favourite drinking partner who we all lovingly refer to as "Johnstone" when he is drinking as he sort of gets a new personality. Nothing bad or anything like that, just someone different. He's one of my best mates in the choir, as he's been looking after all my luggage for the last 2 yrs. So one of the other members (again a good friend) twisted Johnstone's rubber arm for a half pint at "The Real Ale" beer festival, he in turn twisted my rubber arm. So x amount of pints later, Johnstone and I were well on our way into our regular routine of me giving directions/keeping an eye on him, and him giving me money to buy drinks!

So since the festival is still going on tonight, I might be getting a phone call to go out an play again. This time me watching/giving directions to Johnstone and buying him drinks. We take turns at the buying part. I didn't have that much to drink yesterday, but I was 'jolly' then again I hadn't really had anything to drink in 2 years so I realised I need to get my drinking back up to where it was when I left.

Nothing exciting planned for the weekend, other than searching the internet for some more jobs. Like I said...nothing exciting for the weekend.

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