A Wee Welcome

Welcome to my blog!

Here you're going to find all sorts either about my random life, my knitting endeavors, recipes, photos, life while becoming a forensic biologist aka CSI, and more!

You'll see me in all my moods, angry, frustrated, happy, sad, and that is only from the knitting side!! Have to love Ravelry for getting me addicted. Bad, bad Ravelry!

Hopefully there is something for everyone, and that I add a little smile or giggle to your day


Buckle, Coridal, and Jam

yes, my morning was very busy with all these things and many more besides. So while the Jam boiled on the stove, the buckle sat patiently for its turn in the oven while the bottles for the cordial (and the jam jars) were sterilising.

So lets take a look at what I did today:

First up was making buckle as I had a lot of rhubard left over from the jam.
Here is the bottom of it waiting patiently for the rhubard to be added.

Now it has the rhubard added just waiting for the top to be put on before being put in the oven.

With the top all ready to roll, into the oven it goes.

Here is the final production!

So while the buckle bakes, the jam continued to boil it was time for the cordial turn to step up and be next. I started it on Friday, and bottled it today, so from 1.5l of water, I made 2.5 bottles for future use

And last but not least, the jam. So I made rhubard and ginger jam which I have to say is decent for my second try at jam (first batch was rhubard, strawberry, and ginger)


So seriously.....

I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, but I have been rather busy with life, funny that!

So now that I have some spare time (between two jobs until Uni starts again) I'll start contributing a bit more. No point in bringing you up to speed on what has been doing on over the last few months, some of it interesting, some of it not so interesting, all of it needs to be told in person.

My plans for tomorrow are to finish making elderflower cordial, make my ginger rhubard jam, make some rhubard buckle to eat through the week. Then on Friday make some cinnamon swirls for my friend who is finally going to be back to work after 4 weeks off (1 week holiday, 3 weeks dislocated elbow owieees!).

Tomorrow expect some pics!


Back up to speed

So I've been seriously busy over the last little bit too much so to write. I studied my butt off for my first round of exams in 8 yrs. That was pretty scary, but the way they exam is completely different from what I'm used to. Basically all you have to do is write 3 essays out of x choices. Hmmmm......not used to doing things that way, I didn't even have exams like this in High school! So in one sense it was really easy, but the other sense is I have no idea how well I did because the marks are not out yet.

I'm waiting for my new bow to arrive, it should be here today, it better be here by tomorrow at the latest as I have training and we have two competitions coming up in just over a week b so I'd like to get some training time with the new bow to work out any glitches. Anyways I'm well excited to get a proper bow finally even though it has cost me a fortune!

I have also joined a sugar flower making course. I'm enjoying it, it is a little strange to do at the moment as everything is new, but so far my carnations look like carnations. I'm hoping to pick up a cake decorating course to go along with it. Then at least with all my baking skills, I'll be able to finish cakes etc nicely!

Next trimester will be starting next week, I'm well excited as the courses will actually start doing some proper scene stuff and analysis of things! Much better than genetics and law that I just finished. So I can't wait for that to start, how sad.

I have also applied to do my masters down in Glasgow so I'm just waiting to hear back from that. It was an interesting meeting to say the least!

I have to put a hold on knitting things as I have hurt my wrist. I think it is telling me to take things easy for a bit. It is well annoying that I can't do any knitting at the moment, as my things are all sitting there on the needles calling out to me. Frustrating!