A Wee Welcome

Welcome to my blog!

Here you're going to find all sorts either about my random life, my knitting endeavors, recipes, photos, life while becoming a forensic biologist aka CSI, and more!

You'll see me in all my moods, angry, frustrated, happy, sad, and that is only from the knitting side!! Have to love Ravelry for getting me addicted. Bad, bad Ravelry!

Hopefully there is something for everyone, and that I add a little smile or giggle to your day


A nosy that lead to an interesting


Now I have no idea where my other post went about this subject, but hey I'll write it again as I have had some new information.

So after thinking of everything and doing searches for vet schools, funding, and talking to people about it, I've decided that I'm not going to be able to go. Full stop, nothing is going to happen. In one sense I was sad, but in another I was quite happy as I know I'm good enough to be a vet as I got into a prestigious school, but the only thing holding me back is funding. If money was no object then life would be sorted.

I was speaking to one of my friend's at choir about this, and she was really sad for me. I told her not to worry as I'm happy as like I said before "I'm good enough" just piss poor! Something will come along as I totally believe in hmm what would you call it? Karma? Fate? Randomness? Well whatever it is called it came knocking on my door like I knew it would. Why? because these things happen to me all the time for whatever reason.

So about a week later, Wednesday to be exact, not this past Wednesday, but a Wednesday none the less I decided to go nosy around the other unis for something to do. I have no idea why I do this, filling time? Interested? Lusting? whatever the reason it was on my side that day.

I happened to go to another local uni, we have about 5 in town I think (haven't counted, not really that interested in doing so) and I came across clearing. Now for those of you who don't know what clearing is it's basically the University telling everyone aka students what courses still have openings. So if the student didn't get into their desired course, uni or whatever they can pick up a clearing course if they choose. Now, this doesn't work in North America where my previous degree came from which is why I was a little curious.

So I clicked on the clearing section to see what was available as I had resolved myself to work for the next year while plotting what the hell I was going to do with my life, yet again! So up comes the courses and vet nursing is on there. I thought, "hell I could easily do that, but I don't want to torture myself with knowing I could easily have been a vet" so passed that course over. I then came across one on herbal medicine, which I find very interesting as being in China for the last two years I've used pretty much for every complaint I had. Passed that one over as even though I'm interested, I'm not that interested to study it. I'm like that!

So scrolling and looking and came across one that I though might be interesting. I called the clearning hotline and spoke to a nice man. He took my details (name, address, previous education etc) and told me that someone would call me back, by this time it's approaching lunch. Now I called for information only just to see what I would need to do or what have you.

I get a call about about an hour later from a very nice gentleman and he was very interested in my degree (BSc Biology, honours Psychology - good old double major). He said that they were very interested in having me on the course, and from simply talking to me they would put me into year 2. Hey hey, bonus! So I agreed.

I got off the phone in a very shocked state as I was only looking for information not to sign myself up for starting uni. As requested I sent along my transcript, and had a lovely talk to another gentleman (must be high up in the course somewhere) and he said from reviewing my transcript they can actually place me into year 3, but I would have to take one course from year 2 as it is a pre-requisite. So I'm going into the uni tomorrow to talk to this very nice man about the course, and my feelings/abilities about doing over a full course load, and to be shown around. By the way I'm going next thing they will tell me is to simply show up for graduation as I seem to be knocking down years as fast as they come.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and the strange thing is this course was something I wanted to do ages ago when I was quite young (well in my early twenties!). So off I go to uni, which by the way is fully funded! I don't have to worry about paying anything unlike my previous course.
Plus the course is something that I am interested in for years on a very round about way.

So here I go to Uni starting in 3rd year come the end of the month. What am I doing? you might be asking yourself............forensic biology aka CSI!!!!

So get out of my way Sara Siddle, you're annoying at least I've always thought so, cause I want your spot!

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